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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Teaching Music with Guitar Hero?

Christmas is over, but we are still rocking out with our new Guitar Hero III for the Wii here at home, and in our virtual stadium crowd thanks to some photoshop fun...

Several of the music-ed bloggers I subscribe to (see my blogroll) have discussed the idea of using video games to teach kids how to read music. Check out Engadet blogger Nilay Patel's post on a company that has a created a "guitar hero like" game that uses a real guitar and gaming technology to teach kids how to read music.

And, if you really can't stand playing GH with a plastic guitar controller, check out how to build your own custom full-sized Guitar Hero controller like the modified Strat in the picture below. File this under projects labeled "when-I-have-too-much-time-on-my hands..."